Thursday, 19 January 2012

Quinoa Salad Recipe - Delicious!

Isn't there a long time since I wrote about food?

Here we go then..... yesterday I made quinoa. Simply delicious and the extra bonus is that it is also healthy. Quinoa is a grain that is high in protein and fibre. It does not cause flatulence, so very comfortable to eat :-)

This is a very simple recipe and can serve two people, I think.

- 2 mugs of water
- 1 mug of quinoa
- 2 carrots, grated
- 2 courgettes, grated
- 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 200g of frozen peas

Wash the quinoa well and transfer to a sauce pan with 2 mugs of water, the grated carrots, grated courgettes, salt, and smoked paprika.

Bring to boil, keep boiling for 10 minutes and then simmer for 15-20 minutes.

During the last 5 minutes of simmering add the frozen peas.

When ready, drizzle with a good olive oil.

That is it!!!! Simple isn't it?

And it is such a colourful and taste dish! Impossible not to like it!

Buon Appetito!

Revive friendships

Continuing on the New Year resolutions theme..... I felt like writing again about this!

One of my New Year resolutions is to improve my friendship links, especially to revive older ones.

As time goes by, all our lives get busier and busier. And we could end up neglecting our best friends or some of our family. We feel bad about it, but we still allow new friends and activities to take over our time and energy.

Living abroad can make this even harder because it is easier to spend time with people who are physically close to us and not have 5 minutes to call an old best friend abroad.

This year, it is my resolution to make and send a card to every friend and relative I have abroad. When I mentioned this to someone here, I was told "this will be expensive". To that I answered "I cannot buy a present and post, but the card will be my present and it is the minimum I can do." And think about it... isn't there something very special about receiving something through the post that is not a leaflet or a bank statement, something personal for you?

Today I read few tips about balancing friendships... I am copying below some of their tips:

1. Identify the "sanguessugas". Sanguessuga means Leech (blood sucker type of worm) in Portuguese. These are friends that take more than they give. When you meet them you may also not leave with a positive mood / feeling about yourself. Spend less time with them.

2. Feel great friends. These are friends that make you feel happy. Make a real effort to spend time with them and develop the relationship.

3. Action! A lot of the time we say "you must come around sometime" or "we must meet up soon". Don't talk so much, book the date, mean what you say!

4. Simple is better. It may not be possible to go out for a big night out. You may not have the time or the money to do it. Keep it simple. Go out for a coffee, or even just call your friend to say hello. It is better than to wait for a year for that special occasion.

.... and if you like my blog.... become a follower, or leave a comment. It will make me very happy!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Mother Teresa's Knowledgeable Words

Hello.... The text below from Mother Teresa is so beautiful... that I felt I should post it on its own, no need to write anything else. Enjoy!

"People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God; It was never between you and them anyway."-- Mother Teresa