Wednesday 30 May 2012

There is always someone around to help ...

In my last post I mentioned how I managed to overcome the obstacles.

Recently I was talking about my family and how I felt they could have been more supportive.
And the person I was speaking with replied "How lonely you must feel...".

To that I had to reply "I don't feel lonely, it would not be right to say that. Although I didn't have the support I expected from them, I had a lot of support from people I didn't expect to help me. Three of my friends have been extremly supportive, my husband and his family have been there all the time. All beyond my expectations."

What I mean by support is a phone call, a message, a demonstration that someone is thinking of you. More than that, interested on what is happening.

What I have been trying to remember when I feel upset is that good comes from unexpected places. So instead of focusing on what didn't happen, I should focus on what happened, and appreciate that.

It will be only fair with the people that helped me and the good things that happened.

Help and support from people around you

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